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dr hab. Damian Guzek2015: Doctorate at the University of Silesia
2020: Habilitation at the University of Warsaw
2022: PGCert in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education at the University of London

Damian Guzek is a university professor at the Institute of Journalism and Media Communication, University of Silesia in Katowice, the PI of the Polish National Science Centre’s (NCN) project ‘Papal Authority Transformed by Changes in Communication’ (2019-2024) and Polish coordinator of the ‘T4ERI’ Horizon 2020 project. He has been involved in several research projects in digital communication, religion and politics. After a doctorate in Katowice, he conducted his post-doc at the Religion and Society Research Centre of Uppsala University as well as a research internship at the School of Divinity, New College, University of Edinburgh. He was also a visiting fellow at the School of Humanities, Keele University (2016) and at the ERC Consolidator ‘Dissident Networks Project’ (DISSINET), hosted at Masaryk University’s Centre for the Digital Research of Religion (2022). In the years 2015-2019, he led the NCN research grant, entitled ‘Media towards the idea of a secular state.’ In 2020 he collaborated within the ‘Illiberal turn’ project conducted at Loughborough University. His research is driven by questions related to media consumption and digital media, religions, and political communication. More information at the website of the University of Silesia (in Polish)

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